

↑ 4.7% on FY21

Underlying NPAT


↓ 4.7% on FY21

Underlying EBITDA


↑ 0.8% on FY21

Underlying EBIT


↓ 5.0% on FY21

Reported NPAT


↓ 28.0% on FY21

Reported EBITDA


↓ 15.6% on FY21

FY22 Profit & Loss Overview

Underlying ($m)
FY21 Restated4
% Change
Group Revenue 192.3 183.6 4.7%
Underlying EBITDA 1,2 48.1 47.8 0.8%
Underlying EBIT 1,2 33.4 35.1 (5.0%)
Underlying NPAT 1,2,3 22.2 23.3 (4.7%)
Reported ($m)
FY21 Restated4
% Change
Reported EBITDA 1 43.2 51.2 (15.6%)
Depreciation & amortisation (14.8) (12.6) 17.5%
Reported EBIT 28.4 38.7 (26.6%)
Net finance costs (2.1) (2.5) (16.0%)
Reported Profit before tax 26.2 36.2 (27.6%)
Income tax expense (7.7) (10.5) (26.7%)
Reported NPAT 3 18.5 25.7 (28.0%)

1. Non-IFRS measure
2. Refer to page 26 for reconciliation of Reported EBITDA, EBIT and NPAT to Adjusted EBITDA, EBIT and NPAT
3. NPAT including minority interest
4. 30 June 2021 has been restated due to the IFRS Interpretations committee decision in relation to accounting for Software as a Service

FY22 Cash Flow Overview

FY21 Restated7
% Change
Reported EBITDA 43.2 51.2 (15.6%)
Movement in working capital (1.5) (0.1) (1600%)
Income taxes paid (9.8) (7.3) (34.2%)
Net operating cash flow (post tax) 31.9 44.0 (27.5%)
Capital expenditure (11.8) (10.0) (18.0%)
Payments for businesses/minority interest (3.4) (1.3) (161.5%)
Cash flow from investing activities (15.2) (11.2) (35.7%)
Free Cash flow5 16.7 32.8 (49.1%)
Dividends paid (16.8) (13.1) (28.2%)
Interest on borrowings6 (0.6) (0.7) 14.3%
Payments of lease liabilities (8.6) (7.6) (13.2%)
Proceeds/(repayment) of borrowings 8.4 (17.7) 147.5%
Cash flow from financing activities (17.7) (39.1) 54.7%
Net cash flow movement (0.9) (6.3) 85.7%
Closing cash balance 7.9 8.8 (10.2%)

5. Free Cash Flow is Net Operating cash flow (post-tax) less Cash flow from investing activities
6. Including capitalised bank fees
7. 30 June 2021 has been restated due to IFRS Interpretations Committee decision in relation to accounting for Software as a Service